Hungary’s parliament overwhelmingly approved Sweden’s bid to join NATO on February 26th. This means the Nordic country has cleared the last hurdle for accession to the military alliance. Of the 194 members of parliament who voted, just six rejected Sweden’s accession.
Sweden abandoned its 200 years of neutrality and non-alignment after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Each of NATO’s members must approve a new joiner. Hungary was the last obstacle to Sweden’s bid since Turkey ratified it in January.
With Sweden’s accession, NATO will have 32 members. The bloc’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, “Sweden’s membership will make us all stronger and safer.” Under Article 5 of the treaty, an attack on one member is considered an attack against all.
Last year, Finland became the 31st member, adding some 1,300 kilometers to the alliance’s frontier with Russia.
匈牙利國會2 月26 日以壓倒性多數,通過了瑞典加入北約的申請。這意味著瑞典已清除加入此軍事聯盟的最後一道障礙。參加投票的194 名議員中,只有6 人投反對票。
2022年俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭後,瑞典就放棄了200 年來的中立和不結盟立場。新成員加入北約,必須獲得每個成員國的批准。土耳其於今年1 月批准瑞典加入北約後,匈牙利成為瑞典入會的最後一道關卡。
瑞典加入後,北約成員國將增至32個。北約祕書長史托爾柏格說:「瑞典的加入將使北約更強大安全。」根據北約公約第5 條,對一個成員國的攻擊,視同對所有成員國的攻擊。
去年芬蘭成為北約第31個成員國,替北約與俄羅斯的邊界增加了約1300 公里。