Since February 20th, more than 9,000 interns and residents at 100 of South Korea’s hospitals have submitted their resignations. That’s over 70% of trainee doctors. Furthermore, more than 8,000 medical students have collectively filed leave requests. This is in protest against a government reform to admit more students into medical schools. The mass walkout has caused considerable delays to surgical procedures and treatment. The authorities have warned striking doctors to return to work or face legal action, including a revoke of their doctor’s licenses.
South Korea has one of the lowest doctor-topopulation ratios among developed countries. Currently, annual admissions to medical school are about 3,000. The government wants to boost those admissions by 2,000 from the 2025 academic year and eventually add 10,000 more by 2035.
Doctors have voiced fierce opposition to the plan, claiming it would hurt the quality of service. Critics say these doctors are more concerned their value would fall if the number of doctors increases.
自2 月20 日以來,南韓100 家醫院超過9000 名實習與住院醫師請辭,人數占受訓醫師70% 以上。此外,有超過8000 名醫學院學生集體提出休學申請。這些行動是為了抗議政府將開放醫學院招收更多學生的政策。這次集體罷工導致許多手術和診療嚴重延誤。政府已警告罷工醫生返回工作崗位,否則將面臨法律訴訟,包括吊銷醫師執照。
在已開發國家中,南韓是醫生數量與人口比例最低的國家之一。目前每年的醫學院招生人數約為3000 人。政府計畫從2025 學年起增加2000 個招生名額,在2035 年前增加至1 萬個名額。