晚2年退休 法年金改革9月上路

  French President Emmanuel Macron signed his unpopular pension reform into law on April 15th, a day after the nine-member Constitutional Council ruled in favor of it. The key provisions of the reform include raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 and extending the years of work required for a full pension. Main labor unions have responded by threatening mass Labor Day protests on May 1st. The changes will start being implemented in September.
  The contested changes are the biggest challenge of Macron’s second term. Opinion polls show his popularity has plunged to its lowest level in four years. But the President has argued the change is necessary to avoid annual pension deficits forecast to hit $14.8 billion by 2030.
  France lags behind most of its European neighbors, many of which have hiked the retirement age to 65 or above.

 法國不受歡迎的退休年金改革法案在總統馬克宏4 月15 日簽字後,正式成為法律。在前一天,9 名成員組成的憲法委員會裁定,該法案合憲。退休年金改革法案的主要條款包括將退休年齡從62 歲提高到64 歲,以及延長領取全額退休年金所需的工作年資。幾個大型工會已揚言要在五月一日勞動節舉行大規模抗議活動。這項法案將於9 月開始實施。
 退休年金改革一直存在爭議,也是馬克宏第二任期的最大挑戰,民意調查顯示,馬克宏的支持率已跌至四年來新低。但馬克宏為改革提出辯護,稱改革勢在必行,以免每年的退休金赤字持續擴大,該赤字預計到2030年左右達148 億美元。